CPRS D2 Lunch n' Learn: Recreation Coordinator Career Development

Calling all Recreation Coordinators, Recreation Specialists, and Lead Rec Leaders! This Lunch n' Learn is designed for YOU! Wondering how to make your next career move in parks and rec? Meet current professionals in the industry speed-dating style and pick their brains on their career path, gain career advice, and make connections!
Topic: Recreation Coordinator Career Development
Date: Wednesday, August 16th, 2023
Time: 11AM-1PM
Location: Hagan Community Center, 2197 Chase Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
We are still looking for professional panelists! If you are a supervisor or manager at your agency and would be interested in participating in this Lunch n’ Learn as mentor, we would love to have you! We are looking for professionals with a variety of specialties (sports, senior programming, special events/facilities, youth programming, aquatics, rec therapy, etc.). Please reach out to Miranda Ellis, Director of Education at mellis@carmichaelpark.com if you are interested in participating as a panelist!